Furion Security


At Furion we follow a three step method for Riot and Crowd Management:

When it comes to a civil unrest or union demonstrations, Furion will despatch a team of as many officers as needed depending on the size of the site and the severity of the situation. Officers to be despatched are well trained in crowd control management prior to any engagements. We are able to deploy a unit within a few hours of being notified that there is to be planned demonstrations.
  • Manage peaceful crowds effectively.
  • Recognize the difference between an unlawful assembly and a constitutionally  protected gathering of people.
  • Apply defensible arrest tactics when facing active resistance or passive resistance and be prepared to recognize the difference.
  • Demonstrate defensible subject control and rubber baton techniques.
  • Make tactically sound arrests, which are prosecutable.
  • Perform classic crowd control tactics, crossbow movements and operate as an effective field force under stress.
  • Have some grenadiers available trained in the deployment of chemical munitions and impact munitions.
  • Recognize the type of crowd they are facing.
  • Identify dangerous behaviours in a crowd.
  • Implement their role in the client’s plan.
  • Be a presence, not just present, when working a crowd.


  • Able to lead these teams effectively.
  • Able to recognize when their teams should change out of their soft covers and into full gear.
  • Able to competently lead a trained crowd control unit. Bestowing rank upon a person does not automatically transfer knowledge, skill and ability. Commanding officers in a major disturbance is a specialized skill.

The knowledge and skills taught in crowd control training can be applied in all crowd situations. By applying these on a daily basis, some
disturbances can be prevented.


Head to toe protective equipment for your officers is costly, but it is a one-time purchase and when properly maintained will last for years.

Officers should all possess at the very least a shield, helmet, full body protective suit and in some cases a shotgun armed with rubber bullets.Chemical munitions will be available for these events.

These need to be properly stored and checked regularly for expiration, which we offer the storage thereof to clients where we provide the guarding solutions.


Pre-event planning should consist of:

  • Intelligence gathering and pre-event communications with event organizers.
  • Delegating responsibility and authority to commanders on scene.
  • A callout protocol for additional personnel.
  • A pre-set detour plan for anticipated hot spots.
  • A communications plan.
  • A staging plan for vehicles.
  • Additional vehicle and radio acquisition plan.
  • Prisoner transport and mass booking plan.
  • Evidence packaging/holding and report writing plan.
  • Medical and fire escort protocol.
  • Protective response plan for gun stores.
  • Field force activation protocol.
  • If the event is prolonged, a housing, feeding, and relief plan for officers working the event.

A plan sitting on a shelf is no good unless the people who have to
implement it have been trained in its implementation.


If you take these three steps, you will discover that when the country is
watching and crowds are at their worst, your officers will be at their best.


At Furion our K9 Unit is uncompromising when it comes to quality bred dogs and the comprehensive training of our handlers. World-wide statistics confirm the efficacy and cost efficiency of using security dogs to reduce and prevent crime. Their heightened sense of smell, hearing and sheer presence, are proven to deter would be criminals.

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